MBA studium
MBA programy
MBA Real Estate Investment, Development and Valuation
MBA programme in Real Estate Investment, Development and Valuation is offered by the Corporate Finance Department at the Faculty of Finance and Accounting at VŠE in cooperation with the Institute for Property Appraisal and the Institute of Strategic Investments. Students acquire the knowledge which is needed for the real estate market specialists, such as microeconomic and macroeconomic relations to the real estate market etc. Everything is based on valuaation of properties according to the Czech norms.
Language of instruction: Czech and English (both languages required)
International Executive MBA programme, AMBA and EQUIS accredited
The International Executive MBA is a postgraduate programme designed specifically (but not exclusively) for managers who wish to broaden their management knowledge and deepen their management skills in order to successfully take their next career steps. Applicants to our programme should have at least 6 years of professional experience and 2 years of management experience. You can expect a challenging programme with over 500 hours of direct teaching and 2 years of study. The programme serves as a networking platform for professionals from different continents and cultures.
Data & Analytics for Business Management
The Data & Analytics for Business Management (DABM) prepares students to become top professionals capable of merging data, analytics and business and managing innovations as well as transformation of companies. The DABM programme has been created in cooperation with the KPMG Czech Republic company.
Language of instruction: Czech
MBA IT Management & Business Transformation
The MBA in IT Management & Business Transformation is designed for innovators, leaders, and forward-thinkers. Taught in English, it brings together insights from top academics, IT trailblazers, and industry pros to give you skills you can apply from day one. Dive deep into IT governance, program management, and digital innovation; gain the tools to step into leadership roles and make a real impact. Master cybersecurity, data management, and vendor relationships, and learn to tackle today’s biggest IT challenges while driving growth and innovation. Sharpen your strategic edge, take control of IT operations, and turn your bold ideas into reality with our hands-on, future-focused curriculum.
Language of instruction: English
MPA Datová analýza pro veřejnou správu
Datová analýza pro veřejnou správu je unikátně zaměřený MPA program, který je navržen tak, aby poskytoval odborníkům z veřejné správy, zejména datovým analytikům, možnost získat a prohloubit své kvantitativní, analytické a informatické znalosti. Studium MPA na Fakultě informatiky a statistiky VŠE v Praze nabízí příležitost pro získání komplexních znalostí a dovedností v oblasti datové analýzy pro veřejnou správu. Program vychází z dlouholetých zkušeností a odborného know-how fakulty, která je předním pracovištěm v oblasti informatiky, statistiky a kvantitativních metod v České republice. Program je spolugarantován Českým statistickým úřadem, což poskytuje studentům kvalitní učební prostředí.
Master Management et Administration des Entreprises
This programme offers high-quality postgraduate education in the field of management according to the French norms. It is designed to non-managerial study fields alumni, who can obtain further qualification (double compétence).
Language of instruction: Czech and French (both languages required)